
voUP is a token with voting power and serves as the governance token for UniPort. The governance of UniPort is entirely community-driven, with voUP acting as a tool for community members to participate in governance. Users holding voUP have the right to submit proposals and vote, influencing the development direction and major decisions within the UniPort.

To obtain voUP, users need to stake UP tokens. The voUP acquired through staking UP is then used to exercise governance rights within the UniPort ecosystem.

The allocation mechanism of voUP is carefully designed to prevent large-scale stakers from monopolizing voting power. The exchange rate is determined based on the quantity of UP staked and the duration of the staking, ensuring a fair distribution of governance rights.

voUP Mechanism Rules

To prevent the concentration of voting power by large-scale stakers, the voting power obtained by users is allocated according to the following formula: voUP amount = {UP staked amount} * {Conversion rate}

Stake UP for 6 months, Conversion rate = 1

Stake UP for 12 months, Conversion rate = 2

Stake UP for 24 months, Conversion rate = 4

Stake UP for 48 months, Conversion rate = 8

Last updated