💠Bitcoin Cross-Chain

Economic Design and Reserve Management Mechanism

Uniport Bridge plans to utilize multi-signature contracts to maintain Bitcoin reserves, with validators serving as signers. To dominate reserve funds, more than 2/3 of signers must collectively sign Bitcoin transactions. Uniport's reserve management scheme makes full use of Bitcoin's Taproot feature and MAST to create a reserve script.

Taproot, a novel script upgrade for Bitcoin, consolidates multiple signatures into one, reducing blockchain data size and enhancing privacy and efficiency. MAST combines conditions from multiple script paths into a Merkle tree, allowing only the used script paths to be on-chain, further optimizing contract execution. Uniport's reserve management scheme exhibits high scalability, supporting up to 1,000 signers. This design anticipates potential system growth, providing a robust foundation for sustainable development.

Node Staking and Rotation Mechanism

Uniport Bridge plans to use multi-signature contracts to maintain Bitcoin reserves, with multi-sign members serving as validators responsible for signing Bitcoin cross-chain transactions. Validators will implement an actively enforced staking mechanism and a rotation mechanism for complete decentralized management. Validator applicants need to stake a certain amount of Uniport's native tokens. If a validator engages in malicious behavior, their staked assets will be forfeited and used to compensate user losses, minimizing the likelihood of validator misconduct.

Additionally, validators will adhere to a strict rotation mechanism. The early rotation plan employs a DAO governance model, allowing those holding governance tokens to vote for rotations. The number of nodes rotated each time will not exceed 1/3, ensuring a sufficient number of validators participate in the operation of cross-chain assets while safeguarding user assets.

Security and Anti-Malicious Behavior Mechanism

When designing the forfeiture mechanism, Uniport Bridge considers various potential attack scenarios and introduces new constraints to enhance fund security and prevent malicious behavior. Uniport's forfeiture mechanism relies on honest nodes submitting fraud proofs to the network. This means the system expects nodes to actively report fraudulent behavior to the network when detected, ensuring timely action is taken. This mechanism aids in identifying potential attacks and punishes malicious behavior through the forfeiture mechanism.

Despite the potential attack vector of collusion with over 2/3 voting power, Uniport Bridge is fully aware of this risk and proposes a corresponding solution. Uniport Bridge introduces an innovative constraint where signers requesting unlocking can only reclaim their stakes after submitting a checkpoint reflecting the unlocking to the Bitcoin blockchain. This constraint ensures that unlocking requests are legitimate and verified. By associating the unlocking process with a checkpoint on the Bitcoin blockchain, fund security is significantly enhanced.

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